Saturday 4 April 2009

Introducing the loonies that run this show :)

Kaifal haal? are you in Arabic for those who may not speak it. here I am, like I’ve mentioned at various places on this little profile of mine, a final year student, extremely close to my exams and overwhelmed by sheer boredom. So I’m kinda new to this, don’t really know what to do and can’t help but think am I even interesting enough for this? I guess there’s only one way to find out…so here I go…

So why a blog? Well that comes down to a very dear friend of mine, miss traveller here, now officially my fellow blagger here, simply because I need a help of someone interesting, funny and somewhat of a poet to make this place survive. Over the years that I’ve known her she has sent me links to God know how many blog’s, during her hours of procrastination of course. Me, not a big fan of reading, never really looked at them and just told her to read them and tell me what they say, and ignored her when she did that ahem. I congratulate her today on finally winning her battle. Not only do I read them on a worryingly regular basis i.e. every time I sit down to “revise”, I am sat here making my own (or rather she’s making it since I haven’t got a clue of how to work this place yet). I'm pretty sure this can't be a good idea considering the fact that im currently a one handed person, having recently injured my right arm ( i know i know...great timing) and i decide to use my much needed left hand to do this as apposed to typing up my dissertation. But that's understandable right? I mean i personally don't see anything strange about that...someone, somewhere must have done the same thing...right?

So anyway, I feel a certain need to explain myself and the name of this blog…the image above has been stolen from traveller’s blog. The inspiration behind my blog’s name, because I can guarantee to you what ever me and madam traveller speak about here, will most certainly be BLAG in its purest form. Well a great deal of it at least. I think I should give her some benefit as she’s sat there in her room, almost across the city, trying to make us APPEAR somewhat human and shareef (I guess the closest English word I can think of is.. erm, ok so I can’t think of a word and nor can she, we’re not the clubbing sort…lets put it that way)

Ok so I’ve just wasted a good two hours making this place! I finally feel a little bit guilty…best get to work!

Although starting at such and ungodly hour?…hmmm….

(We're going to work till 5AM apparently...this should be interesting!)

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speak and we shall listen; farmaayeh; dasso jee; taasu sa wail ghwaaray; tafaddal!